BAM: “By All Means”

BAM Logo 03
story by cj
World News US

The “BAM” movement represents all the economically disadvantaged people or groups in the world. We believe that economic disadvantaged people regardless of race, color, religion or nationality should unite in a revolution…a movement. Governments of the world have shown by their actions that they represent big money, businesses and their own self interests and that they are willing to disregard the best interests of the average citizen. The people regardless whether they are Black, Spanish, Chinese, Indian, Jewish, Russian or White are all equally mistreated and face prejudices and injustices of all kinds during their lifetime. This revolution is about the disadvantaged, socially-conscious and fair-minded individuals everywhere in the world who are sworn to forever represent, unity, equality and empowerment for all persons or groups “BY ANY MEANS” (BAM).

This is a grassroots movement started in the United States in April 2018. We will start by defining and addressing american issues. the BAM movement is about uniting all economically disadvantaged minorities into one minority group. We believe that we represent 90 to 110 million Americans, we believe that if we were to unite as a group we would have the power to enact any law and elect any individual to any office. We understand that many issues are complicated, but we also understand that politicians and government intentionally create fear and make things complicated; in an attempt to scare, divide, confuse and distribute disinformation. We will define and address the basic issues in a way that 8th graders can understand. The Obama Health Care Bill had more than 20,000 pages; a few pages could have defined the major changes to the health care system and the “Health Bill”.

The first item to be addressed by BAM is wages. The minimum wage is the number one way that the rich steal from the worker, the number one way that the rich get richer and the number one reason for disproportional wealth and so much poverty in america. The united states government is the facilitator of all this disparity. We will eliminate the term “Minimum Wage” and replace it with the term “Fair Wage”. We believe that a “Fair Wage” should be a constitutional right for every individual, but we are not fools; if it becomes impossible to make a change to the constitution at this time, we will accept making “Fair Wage” Federal law. WE define a Fair Wage in April 2018, as the $15.00 hourly wage that Seattle and California have enacted; we believe this wage to be a fair definition of a “Fair Wage” at this time. This fair wage would apply to every american, no exclusion for fruit picked, bellhops or servers, “0” exclusion regardless of the job.

Some say “This will ruin the economy and the country”, it hasn’t, it won’t and who cares, quit your job and work for $7.25 (the currant min wage) an hour for a year and then give me your opinion. Even better become a server and work for $2.25 an hour and see how you feel after a year. Servers work under a law enacted in 1933 to help save the mom and pop restaurant during the depression, here we are in 2018 and they are still working under this unfair law. Talk about cheating american workers and showing a disregard for four million working Americans and their families. This is unacceptable and abusive even by Chinese or Russian standards.

Check out this site for official information:  According to the National Employment Law Project, 42.4 percent of American workers currently make less than $15 an hour. There are around 1.4 million janitors and cleaners who earn below that mark, 1.2 million drivers, 1 million secretaries and administrative assistants, and 699,000 child care workers. Notice that 4 million servers the larges group are not included in these numbers, not included in the 42.2 percent of american working under $15 an hour. Dept of labor estimates the us work force to be approx 160,000,000, these numbers do not include 20,000.000 others workers; to include illegals, workers working off the books, crop pickers and many working on the internet.




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